Views-at-all-costs, South Park and AI (again)

The best resources I found this week (and a ramble)...

Views-at-all-costs, South Park and AI (again)...

Hello there. Welcome to the Curious Creator.

Some of you love the resources, and some of you don't.

How can we fix that? A compromise...

We'll keep the resource dump for you resource junkies out there, but we'll also steal the 'Weekly Ramble' from the old newsletter.

Every week, one ramble and a bunch of resources. What more could you want?


This week, let's discuss the views-at-all-costs mentality dominating YouTube; everyone wants views and they don't really care how they get them.

I get it, we live in a world where views are the measure of quality.

There's some truth in that, they probably are the best (and easiest) measure of the success of a piece of content.

But only when the purpose of the content is more than just views.

If your only goal is views, it's a race to the bottom. Viewer satisfaction goes out of the window, creativity goes out the window, enjoyment goes out the window.

You need to make sure your content has something else, something more, first.

Make people laugh, teach people something, help people unblock their toilet. It doesn't matter.

Don't make stuff solely for views; use them as a metric to measure your content's effectiveness in achieving its intended goal.

It's a lot more fun.


The 10 best resources I've found this week;

6/ Steve Jobs Archive [website]

Thanks for reading. Jay Alto.

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